San Francisco based J-POP SUMMIT has announced additional guests for their event running, August 7th thru 9th, 2015.

Performing are the colorful and energetic Gacharic Spin featuring F Chopper KOGA (bass), Hana (vocal & drums), TOMO-ZO (guitar), OREOREONA (vocal & keyboard), Mai (performer no.1), Arisa (performer no.2). Currently, their second single “Don’t Let Me Down” (to be released on June 3rd , 2015) has been chosen as the ending theme for popular TV anime Dragon Ball Kai.

Eir Aoi, a Japanese female vocalist globally known for her performances on the theme songs for Anime series such as, Sword Art Online, ALDNOAH.ZERO, and Kill la Kill, will perform at J-POP SUMMIT 2015 as a part of her first world tour. This will be Eir Aoi’s second US performance.

Yusuke Nakamura, a prolific Japanese illustrator who is well known for his work on the cover art of ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERAION CDs, and the book covers for best-selling novels including Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de. (Solve the Mystery after the Dinner)

Performing will be Faint★Star a Japanese girl-duo featuring HINA and YURIA. After their debut, Faint★Star joined various large music festivals including “TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2014,” “@JAMEXPO2014,” “Synapples2.0 ~ no border between sounds. Since 2014, Faint★Star themselves have organized and produced their own event “Faint Star*2.5D :’Tokyo Sound Collection’” at Shibuya 2.5D, co-starred by many J-POP singers.
Source: Guests « J-POP SUMMIT 2015