FanimeCon 2017 once again brings the fans a
super lineup of guests from the anime world.
Industry guests include:
Shigeto Koyama an active designer in Japan’s media industry, made his debut in 2004 as mechanical designer and guest character designer for Aim for the Top 2 (Diebuster), and has participated in many notable titles ever since. Some of his titles include: HEROMAN, Eureka Seven, Gurren Lagann, STAR DRIVER, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Rebuild of Evangelion, KILL la KILL, and Big Hero 6.
Hiroyasu Kobayashi received his master’s degree at Musashino Art University and started in the film industry as a matte painter before expanding his career as a CG artist. Kobayashi is the CGI director and production designer for the Evangelion New Theatrical Edition series, and is currently working on the fourth installment at Studio khara.
Voice Actors include:
Kanae Ito is a Japanese voice actress with Aoni Production. Since her debut in 2006, she has voiced many notable characters including Yui (Sword Art Online), Sena Kashiwazaki (Haganai: I Don’t Have Many Friends), Nana Astar Deviluke (To Love Ru), and Ohana Matsumae (Hanasaku Iroha). She won the Best Rookie Actress Award at the 4th Annual Seiyuu Awards in 2010, and the Best Supporting Actress Award the following year. In addition to a successful voice acting career, Ms. Ito has also released a number of CDs with the music label Lantis. Her music has been featured in Squid Girl, Taisho Baseball Girls, Softenni, and more.
Erica Mendez is best known for her roles as Ryuko Matoi in Kill la Kill, Gon Freecss in Hunter x Hunter (2011), Aladdin in Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Nico Yazawa in Love Live!, and Yuuki Konno in Sword Art Online II.
Lauren Landa has voiced numerous roles in many anime and video games for the past 10 years. Fans of Sailor Moon have heard her in VIZ Media’s Sailor Moon as Sailor Neptune. Fighting game players have heard her as Karin Kanzuki in Street Fighter as well as the ninja beauty Kasumi in Dead or Alive 5.
Chris Cason is an extremely prolific voice actor from Texas. Mr. Popo and Tien Shinhan in Dragon Ball Z, Gluttony in Fullmetal Alchemist, Holy Roman Empire in Hetalia, Tecchi in Sword Art Online II, Miyamoto and M1 in Yu Yu Hakusho, Boo and Whitey in Shin chan, Hanai in School Rumble, Chamo in Negima!, Babbit in Kodocha, Siegfried in Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple, and Hanbei in Sengoku BASARA represent some of Chris Cason’s favorite and best known roles. He has also had the opportunity to voice characters in many popular video games. Some of his favorites include voicing random ghouls and specters for Ghostbusters: The Video Game, Mega Man in Street Fighter X Tekken, Face McShooty and Mal in Borderlands 2, and Tatsu in Xenoblade Chronicles X.
FanimeCon 2017 May 26th-29th, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center.
Source: FanimeCon 2017 Guests of Honor