Crowdfunding Project to Send ME/CFS Manga to Public Health Organizations in Japan


The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of the condition known as ME/CFS in Japan, by sending out copies of the manga “One Day Suddenly I Got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” to health officials. The organizers in collaboration with the author of the manga Ms. Yuari need to raise 2 million yen to be successful. Various rewards are being offered to supports, such as clear files and copies of Ms. Yuari’s book.

Source: Let’s deliver [Yurari’s book / new issue of chronic fatigue syndrome] to public health centers and related organizations all over the country! -CAMPFIRE (Campfire)

Written by Editor

JM has been the publishing editor of J-pop News since 2015. He has covered the pop culture entertainment scene since the 1980's. He is an avid fan of all things J-pop.